In years gone past, CDM (now Namdeb) owned nearby farms and were fully sustainable, growing all the food needed by the mine’s employees.
With time and the outsourcing initiative, these activities stop and only old relics remained as a reminder of when we were sustainable. Over the past five years Namdeb has piloted a food nursery project which has proved to be highly successful. Tomatoes, cucumber, pumpkins strawberries, spinach etc was produced consistently and the take-off has been the local market for the past 5 years. Now it is time to expand, to diversify the offering, and to do so profitably. There is already a local entrepreneur producing medicinal herbs for growth and manufacturing (Green Oryx). Additionally, the pilot is looking at the growth of ginger root, garlic and other root based produce, it shows great promise. OMDis is in conversation with Roots Africa and other potential partners and investors to help scale up the operation, not only for local use but for national and international markets. One key aspect to overcome is the water usage, and therefor new technology is being looked at to minimize water use, and as such reduce costs.
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